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Melting plot: design for mediation

Award category
Regaining a sense of belonging
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NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS RISING STARS: concepts or ideas submitted by young talents (aged 30 or less)
Project title
Melting plot: design for mediation
Full concept/idea title
Communication design for cultural mediation and multi-scripts formats for multicultural engagement

"Melting plot" is a multi-script city guide: a communication format and translation system for cultural mediation, fostering integration between cultural and linguistic alterities cohabiting our society.
Communication design plays a pivotal role in mediation between different cultures belonging to the same mixed society, starting from Milan cultural heritage as a case study. It helps access a city's plural identity scripts. It pursues engagement and a sense of belonging.

What is the geographical scope of your concept/idea?
Does your concept/idea address mainly urban or rural issues?
Mainly urban
Does your concept/idea refer to a physical transformation of the built environment or other types of transformations?
It refers to other types of transformations ('soft investment')
Has your concept/idea benefited from EU programmes and/or funds?
Has your concept/idea won an EU prize?
How did you hear about the New European Bauhaus Prizes ?
Word of mouth (colleagues, friends …)
On whose behalf are you submitting the application?
As an individual
Please provide a summary of your concept/ idea

MA Communication Design thesis, Politecnico di Milano, "Melting plot". A multi-script guide to the city of Milan. A magazine designed as a valuable tool for people of different nationalities to approach cultural heritage in diversity. "Melting plot" expresses the idea of ​​integration and multi-ethnic encounter, together with a reference to the polyphony of signs and narratives that distinguish the city. Melting refers to the concept of a mixture, the cultural and the linguistic encounter within the text; plot, on the other hand, suggests narration and storytelling.
Method and translating steps: 
1) The identification of scripts. A first necessary and preliminary step in the study of the communicative mechanism was the identification of the linguistic registers to be considered.
2) Linguistic integration. A fundamental requirement of the translation format is its use not only to guarantee linguistic access but also to transmit a social message of integration and coexistence. Unlike a simple translation tool, the chosen mechanism places the different writing systems on the same level, keeping Italian as "common ground". The code-mixing technique provides the insertion of individual terms in a different language or writing system.
3)Dynamic translation. The digital let the translation be dynamic and customizable. Starting from a text in code-mixing, it is possible to gradually modify some of its terms, aimed at grasping the general meaning of the text, or alternatively to prefer an integral translation, which does not replace the original text.
The project:
- The paper magazine: a free press for immediate use in the physical environment; it is a bridge between the place and the digital guide; finally, it helps to create storytelling through the "stages" of the different spots in the city, and potentially creates a bond with the user.
- The digital support introduces the dynamic translation of the text and amplified the content with multimedia elements.

Please indicate the main themes of your concept/idea with 5 key words
Sense of belonging
Multicultural Society
Multi-script communication
Cultural Heritage
Please give information about the key objectives of your concept/idea in terms of environmental sustainability (including circularity) and how these would be met.
Please highlight how the concept/idea can be exemplary in this context

Sustainability in the UN Agenda 2030 is considered as a social matter, as highlighted in Goal 11: "Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable." Facing our contemporary society's challenges, like social inequalities and discrimination, a sustainable communication design approach should also be considered in terms of accessibility for urban regeneration and community empowerment thanks to the cultural heritage's potential. «In a context where social inequalities are high and generalized discontent keeps growing, the participation in arts and cultural activities can play an important role in the achievement of broader social policy goals, such as promoting active citizenship and countering social exclusion. Cultural participation contributes to raising cognitive, creative and relational capabilities that empower people and make them feel part of a community.» (Wilson 2016)
Therefore accessibility means breaking down all those barriers that do not let users have equal experience and equal access: we are talking about tangible or intangible obstacles, which can be physical, sensory-perceptual, cognitive, behavioral, economic, technological, and above all cultural.
Even more, according to Richard Sandell, Professor at the University of Leicester, three fundamental practices contribute to determining the degree of accessibility of a cultural place: access, which focuses on ethnic minorities as potential publics; participation that concerns all the strategies implemented to make the cultural space more inclusive; and finally representation, which concerns the lack of pictures of certain groups or cultures in the heritage.
The project then embraces the topic of sustainability focusing on how graphic design can be an active part of fostering accessibility for an equal and therefore socially sustainable urban environment.


Please give information about the key objectives of your concept/idea in terms of aesthetics and quality of experience beyond functionality and how these would be met.
Please highlight how the concept/idea can be exemplary in this context

The project aesthetics makes the primary intent of integration visually explicit, collecting all nine languages on the "same page" all nine languages, with four different linguistic scripts included in the guide. This process of dynamic translations claims for specific attention on both visual and typographical traditions of each culture to make the text more affordable.

The analogic magazine works as a "manifesto" of the multi-script inclusion, showing a mixed text that a single individual cannot translate. Still, it powerfully expresses the metaphor of the encounter in the same place. From the analogic paper guide, the user can move to the website app and experience the site in an immersive way to replace the actual participation. Here, the multiscript text assumes a new meaning, standing for all the multicultural persons living the place in real life. The digital part leads to a more interactive reading, personalized by the user, but still visually maintains the text-integration visual metaphor.

The technique of code-mixing answers to the translation required by the multicultural audience; the necessity of at least a partial accessibility to the text for the majority of pleple, attracted by the words that they can immediatly understand; the intent of a graphic outcome unique and attractive, and above all visually metaphorical. 

Please give information about the key objectives of your concept/idea in terms of inclusion (equal opportunities, public participation, citizen engagement, co-design, universal design, accessibility, affordability, etc.) and how these would be met.
Please highlight how the concept/idea can be exemplary in this context

The project focuses on multicultural mediation processes mainly from a linguistic and conceptual point of view. «Script is Language. Language is communication, and communication is the key to successful intercultural exchange. » (Ben Wittner). 
The "Multi-script" concept considers the multiplicity of linguistic registers used in the city environment and the plurality of cultures and forms of expression. If, on the one hand, multilingualism becomes a need for access and understanding, on the other, it also assumes as a symbolic value for a more faithful representation and translation of plurality. Inherent in the project is the idea of ​​a potential meeting and rapprochement between cultures, both functional and representative. 
At the first level of interpretation, the use of different linguistic registers allows to break down those language barriers, which are a characterizing element of a plural society. Therefore it makes it possible to become more accessible to various people, who perhaps only partially share the Italian culture and have limited knowledge of the language.
The role of communication design is not only to communicate but also to convey messages and think of graphic artifacts that can impact and efficacy in society. Mediation approach cannot be resolved in simple inter-linguistic translation, but it needs to make explicit the encounter between pluralities to pursue integration and inclusiveness. To conclude, the project's intent is to achieve a broader inclusion and integration, considering a plural linguistic translation system. It also demands community participation in sharing their cultural knowledge to make it more accessible and let people perceive a stronger engagement and sense of belonging to the place where they live, but they may not feel the spirit.


Please explain how these three dimensions would be combined in your concept/idea.
Please highlight how this approach can be exemplary

The project represents a communication format of multicultural inclusion for an accessible and sustainable society through an innovative visual solution for content organization. These three elements are combined to consider how cultural access can effectively be an urban and social regeneration tool in terms of multicultural integration.
The topic of sustainability is reframed in terms of cultural accessibility and social inclusivity, facing social inequalities and discrimination in the multicultural society. Therefore it refers to the process of inclusion and integration between the different entities cohabiting the urban environments. To do so, communication design for mediation considers both a possible strategy of reshaping content to make them more widely accessible and a visual and aesthetic format effectively able to translate and express the project intentions. This process aims to promote community engagement and reshape the quality standards of the city's cultural experience for each user.

Please highlight the innovative character of the concept/idea as compared to mainstream practices in the field of the concept/idea.

Addressing the theme of multiculturalism and mediation in the field of design, in addition to claiming the role of the social utility of communicative practice, places the designer in front of a design challenge, both in terms of tools and means to be exploited, both in terms of his knowledge and responsibilities to be put in place.
The need for communication to take a multi-script approach is a need that is becoming more and more evident, especially if we are not just talking about multicultural but globalized society. It has led to a multiplication of otherness within the same urban context, which must be addressed with a more inclusive and "representative" communication. Therefore, it is essential to formulate new formats for the transmission of information, cultural access, and knowledge of the territory. It means recognizing the plurality of cultures that inhabit it and practice it every day and to which it belongs.
The arts and historical culture have gradually taken over digital and cultural accessibility, but an intercultural approach and a multilanguage effective communication system still need to be developed.
Concerning the concept of mediation, it should be understood not only as a social mediation artifact but rather as a process. This methodology allows the analysis and reorganization of contents according to the context. Mediation is, therefore, a relational process: its method has as its purpose the construction of new connections between communities, cultures, and languages.
According to these considerations, the project makes some first steps to define the role of communication designers as mediators, focusing on the selection of the message's content and the visual codes and linguistic scripts.

Please detail the general plans that you have for the further development, promotion and/or implementation of your concept/idea.

The project proposes a flexible format that can be transferred and replicated in different urban environments, having some specific characteristics such as: being multicultural and facing diversity, providing great cultural heritage and cultural opportunity, and claiming for a need of integration. Even if there are not some specific and quantitive criteria of replicability, the script communication's methodology and principlecan be easily applied. The advantage of this experimental code-mixing translation and mediation system regards the possibility to be used with different languages and scripts. Therefore, as a communication design project using digital technology, it also provides large replicability.


Imagine that your idea/concept is awarded in the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2022. What kind of initiatives would you take throughout the following year (June 2022- June 2023)

Melting-plot is conceptual research, the result of a MA thesis. As a starting point for a more articulated research field, it should be supported by a deepen analysis of linguistic translation theoretical approaches and a testing period to validate the format. In a future scenario where it could be developed, it would need some specific activities considering the pre and after-production phases, focusing on the idea of a participatory design project set in Milan, as a case study.
First, it will require some community activities and workshops, considering the importance of engagement in developing a co-design project. The content would be produced in collaboration with the community, interfacing directly with the different community associations representing the culture involved.
Secondly, it will require the patronage of the City Council to support the project and to give access to cultural heritage's contents, as far as public and representative locations in the city.
Then, the project should be financed to be effectively produced, both analogic and digital, also involving some interdisciplinary participants such as cultural experts, linguistics, and primarily social and cultural mediators.
To conclude, for a large-scale sustainable application, it would also be necessary to consider a shared platform between the different cities, spread the project, and adapt the most suitable format for each environment.


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