The aim of the project is to implement an energy supply system driven by the Municipality of Miskolc. A solar power plant was built on the 20-hectare recultivated landfill site in Bogáncs Street. The landfill was closed in 2006. With the establishment of the solar power plant, the area owned by the municipality has been reused, which will significantly improve the urban landscape, the living conditions of the people living in the area and ensure the regularity of the area.
TOP 6.5.2-15-MI1-2018-00002 - Miskolc Bogáncs Street Solar Power Plant
The project TOP-6.5.2-15-MI1-2018-00002 "Establishment of a solar power plant in Bogáncs Street, Miskolc" was implemented with the help of the European Regional Development Fund and national central budget appropriations in the form of non-reimbursable grants. The aim of the project is to implement an energy supply system driven by the Municipality of Miskolc, which is adapted to the local conditions and aims to exploit renewable energy sources. The project included the construction of a 1 MW solar power plant on a 20 hectare recultivated landfill site in Bogáncs Street, Miskolc. The landfill was established in the 1970s and closed in 2006. The recultivation process was completed in 2007 and the land was used for landfill gas extraction. Since then, the gas wells have dried up and the area has become usable again.
The electricity generated by the approximately 3,480 monocrystalline solar panels will be fed back into the Miskolc-South 132/11 KV grid operated by ÉMÁSZ. The amount of energy produced and the amount fed back into the grid will be measured by the sub-meter planned for the receiving station, and the energy costs will be calculated on this basis. The power plant will be equipped with control, protection, telecommunications and automation systems to ensure unattended and continuous operation. Modern photovoltaic power plants harness solar radiation with high efficiency, contributing to a more environmentally friendly and sustainable supply of electricity to buildings and institutions, and ensuring lower operating costs for buildings. In the long term, this will reduce the municipality's expenditure and contribute to the strategic objective of sustainable development. The implementation of the project will contribute to meeting the EU's energy savings target for Hungary by 2020 and reducing the country's dependence on energy imports.
Please highlight how the project can be exemplary in this context
The Municipality of Miskolc is committed to the "Green City" movement, one of the objectives of which is to reduce pollutant emissions and increase the number of "green" areas. The project's priority is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and to use renewable energy as a "local resource". The investment will ensure an environmentally friendly, independent and sustainable energy supply in the long term. The development will reduce the cost of electricity consumption in institutions and buildings owned by the municipality. The solar panels used in a solar power plant generate electricity using renewable energy over their lifetime. There are no emissions during their use. At the end of their lifetime, solar panels can be recycled using energy, producing many times the energy needed for recycling during their lifetime. The life cycle of solar panels can be converted into a cycle with good efficiency, making sustainability achievable. The photovoltaic power plant (solar power plant) built under the project was constructed on the recultivated landfill site on Bogáncs Street. By implementing the project, the former landfill site was reused, thus increasing the utilisation and value of the site.
Please highlight how the project can be exemplary in this context
As part of the project, a solar power plant was built on the 20-hectare recultivated landfill site in Bogáncs Street, Miskolc. The landfill was established in the 1970s and closed in 2006. The recultivation process was completed in 2007 and the land was used for landfill gas extraction. Since then, the gas wells have dried up and the area has been returned to use. With the establishment of the solar power plant, the depot area owned by the municipality has been reused, which will significantly improve the urban landscape, the living conditions of the people living in the area and ensure the regularity of the area.
Please highlight how the project can be exemplary in this context
The Municipality of Miskolc planned the construction of a 1 MW solar power plant in Bogáncs Street within the framework of the Integrated Urban Development Strategy. During the socialisation of the Integrated Urban Development Strategy, the organisations defined in the relevant legislation were involved, and the documentation was sent to them by letter. In order to ensure wide access, the concept was published on the city's website, while at the same time the opportunity to comment was advertised in several media. Several individuals and organisations took the opportunity to comment and their suggestions at concept level were incorporated into the document.
Please highlight how this approach can be exemplary
During the planning of the project, the municipality has taken into account the areas in its territory that are suitable for the installation of a solar power plant but cannot be used for other purposes. In selecting the location of the project, the needs of the population were taken into account, and as a result the solar park was built on the site of the recultivated landfill site on Bogáncs Street. The landfill site has been recycled, which will improve the townscape and the living conditions of the inhabitants of the area and ensure that the area is kept clean.
The solar panels used in a solar power plant generate electricity using renewable energy over their lifetime. During their operation, they produce many times the energy needed to recycle them. The life cycle of solar panels can be efficiently converted into a cycle, making sustainability achievable. When selecting the site for the investment, the Municipality considered areas suitable for the installation of a solar power plant, but which could not be used for any other purpose, and thus the recultivated landfill site on Bogáncs Street was chosen, taking into account the needs of the population. The investment has led to the landfill site being recycled, contributing to the improvement of the urban landscape.
Please also explain the benefits that derived from their involvement.
The Municipality of Miskolc planned the construction of a 1 MW solar power plant in Bogáncs Street within the framework of the Integrated Urban Development Strategy. When selecting the site, the local government took into account the needs of the population, and also looked for an area that, after its recultivation, could be converted into an environmentally friendly solar park capable of producing renewable energy. Communication with civil society has been continuous, both during the design and implementation of the project, with the operation of mandatory publicity elements, continuous information to the press and, at the end of the implementation, information to the public on the results achieved through leaflets. The energy generated will be used to run public, cultural and educational institutions, thus indirectly benefiting the population.
The environmentally damaging use of non-renewable energies is not only a problem today, but has been a problem for decades, both in our country and globally. As a result of this project, environmentally friendly renewable energy is being used that has no negative impact on nature. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is also a priority of the Covenant of Mayors, which the Municipality of Miskolc County Municipality joined in 2015 and committed to meet or exceed its commitment in the accession document to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 20 percent in its territory. A Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) has been developed and completed into a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP). The City has been committed to reducing emissions of pollutants and will continue to take all possible measures to do so.
The design of the solar power plant does not differ from the commonly used methods and materials in terms of the technology used and the materials incorporated. The system is built with polycrystalline solar cells based on state-of-the-art technology. The electricity generated will be fed into the public grid and into the 35 kV overhead distribution network in the immediate vicinity of the development site. The amount of energy generated and the amount fed back into the grid will be measured by a sub-meter at the receiving station. An innovative solution, however, is the use and distribution of the documented amount of renewable energy produced by the solar power plant, which the Municipality can only use for the energy consumption of its own public institutions in a way that results in a reduction of operating costs.
Please provide clear documentation, communication of methodology and principles in this context.
In the framework of the project's information and publicity activities, following the implementation of the investment, we communicated the project implementation and the results achieved through the implementation of the project in a public closing event. Press articles were published in several media on the successful completion of the project. A sub-page on the Municipality's website continues to provide a wide range of information on the project.
@Municipality of Miskolc, 2021
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