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Fruit tree for nice memories

Award category
Reconnecting with nature
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NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS RISING STARS: concepts or ideas submitted by young talents (aged 30 or less)
Project title
Fruit tree for nice memories
Full concept/idea title
Plant and grow your own fruit tree for nice memories

People in cities usually don't possess a garden where they can plant a fruit tree. We introduce the solution to buy a land where interested individuals could plant their own fruit tree for special occasions such as: birth of a child, first day of school, graduation, wedding, anniversaries...

The tree seedling comes with a wooden box of memories - a memo cube, which is used to record the most important events in life of its owner. It is designed to be passed down from generation to generation.

What is the geographical scope of your concept/idea?
Does your concept/idea address mainly urban or rural issues?
Mainly urban
Does your concept/idea refer to a physical transformation of the built environment or other types of transformations?
It refers to other types of transformations ('soft investment')
Has your concept/idea benefited from EU programmes and/or funds?
Has your concept/idea won an EU prize?
How did you hear about the New European Bauhaus Prizes ?
On whose behalf are you submitting the application?
As an individual in partnership with other persons
Please provide a summary of your concept/ idea

With this project, we want to realize the deep - rooted need for contact with nature, even for those who live in cities and do not have their own garden. Our idea is based on the fact that anyone can afford to buy a fruit tree seedling, but most do not have land or a garden to plant it. The purpose of the project is to enable the ownership of the fruit tree, also to those, who live in cities.

A fruit tree needs an average of 6m2 of space, which is not a big cost, but it is not possible to buy just 6m2 of land. However, we could buy land and find people who would buy a fruit tree for their newborns or on special occasions such as the first day of the school, graduation, wedding, anniversaries and the like, which they would plant in a our orchard.

Awareness of the importance and benefits of human coexistence with nature should begin with the youngest. Young generation spend most of the time indoors, often with a computer or smart phone. Such a way of life distances people from nature and has detrimental consequences for health. We believe that a child's own fruit tree will arouse interest in nature, in observing plants and animals. Along with it, the child will learn to recognize different types of fruit trees, ways of harvesting and storing fruits…

A child, who receives a tree as a gift at birth, will grow up with a tree. The tree symbolizes the growth of a child. The roots of the tree are firmly dug into the ground, and the branches stretch towards the sky and the sun. Just like as we wish for a child at his birth that he will get a solid foundation for life and reach high achievements.

With the tree seedling, it comes a wooden box of memories - a memo cube, which is used to record the most important life events of its owner. It allows us to keep special moments in memory and pass them to our kids. The memo cube is designed to transmit from generation to generation.

Please indicate the main themes of your concept/idea with 5 key words
intergenerational cooperation
life memories
Please give information about the key objectives of your concept/idea in terms of environmental sustainability (including circularity) and how these would be met.
Please highlight how the concept/idea can be exemplary in this context


The memo cube will be made exclusively of solid wood of fruit trees without the furniture fittings. The wood will be treated with natural oil, which makes it pleasant to touch. All materials used are renewable.


Trees contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions in the next phases: growth, production, use and recycling. Plants, which also include trees, use it to synthesize sugar: sunlight, CO2 and water, while releasing oxygen O2. Wood is therefore an ideal material for solving environmental problems.


The potential owners of fruit trees will be able to choose between different types of autochthon varieties. In addition, the orchard with various autochthon fruit trees will be a pebble in the mosaic of biodiversity.


A child who receives a tree as a gift at birth will grow up with a tree. Through workshops, the child will observe changes in the orchard through the seasons, learn about tree care, harvesting and fruit processing.

Kindergarten children who plant a tree in a pre-prepared planting hole will learn how to plant, care for a tree and water it. Later on, the tree needs you less and less, and it gives you back with fruit and beauty.


The memo cube is designed so that the owner will be able to use it for entire life. It will be passed down from generation to generation. Memo cube is a box, containing cards on which the most important events in life will be written.

RECYCLING - Waste does not exist

The memo cube will be completely biodegradable. If we want to throw it away, we can feed the biological system (for example compost, woodchips) or use it as a source of energy and thus feed the technological system.

When the fruit tree no longer bears fruit, the tree is cut down and a new tree is planted. New wood products are made from the wood of the old tree within organized workshops.

Please give information about the key objectives of your concept/idea in terms of aesthetics and quality of experience beyond functionality and how these would be met.
Please highlight how the concept/idea can be exemplary in this context

Memo cube as a decorative element

The cover of the memo cube will be processed in different ways, based on the needs and wishes of different target groups of users, and also allows for completely personalized processing according to the specific wishes of the user. There are available three basic versions:

  1. Nature

The "Back to nature" cube has a cover made of several layers of different types of veneers, which symbolizes the richness of tree species in Slovenia. The circular pattern created by the concave surface symbolizes the growth ring and the vortex of life in harmony with nature.

  1. Picture

The cover of the cube has a picture or pattern made with laser engraving according to the wishes of the user or his photo, picture, etc.

  1. Minimalist

Box without surface treatment, allow individual painting approach.

The cover with engraving or painting can be sanded and re-decorated or left untreated when we want changes or when the box is given to next generation. A wooden memo cube (box) will also be a decorative element.

Idyllic nature

The emerging orchard lies along the Ižica river on the edge of the Ljubljana Marshes Landscape Park. It is only 3 km away from the city centre, however the area is extremely biologically diverse. There we can meet: many birds, bees, frogs, nutria, deer, weasels, butterflies… Biologists have listed almost 6.000 plant and animal species in the Ljubljana Marshes. Therefore, in orchard will be a diverse selection of fruit trees, which the user will be able to choose from a list of autochthonic species of fruit trees. Each tree will also have a wooden plaque engraved with the owner’s name and birth date.

Please give information about the key objectives of your concept/idea in terms of inclusion (equal opportunities, public participation, citizen engagement, co-design, universal design, accessibility, affordability, etc.) and how these would be met.
Please highlight how the concept/idea can be exemplary in this context

Fruit tree-affordable for everyone

Memo cube with a fruit tree seedling can be afforded by anyone, but not the land or garden where this tree could be planted. The purpose of the project is to enable the ownership of the fruit tree also to those who live in multi-apartment buildings in the city and don't posses their own garden where they could plant their own tree.

The memo cube and a fruit tree as a gift at the birth of a child, will be available to anyone until the places on the existing land are filled. Then, we plan to expand or purchase new lands intended for such orchards.

Public participation

Fruit trees will be cared by a qualified gardener. Through the workshops, tree owners will be learning pruning, how to protect with natural insecticides and fertilization process. Meetings will also be organized during the time of fruit picking and processing (i.e. cooking jam...).

When the project reach more than 50 users, we will establish a board of members, to help co-design and co-create common activities.

Intergenerational cooperation

We anticipate that this gift will often be chosen by grandparents at the birth of family child, so activities related to the fruit tree and its harvesting will often take place in collaboration with three generations.

Green areas as a connecting element

Every year, a picnic will be organized in the orchard, which will be an opportunity for socializing and networking of ecology-minded people, who want to live in harmony with nature. Otherwise, the orchard is connecting factor throughout the whole year when they visit and nurture their own tree.


The existing orchard is located near the road where is organised the city traffic.

Vision for the future

We see orchard (in the future) supplemented with a glamping offer, where the tree owners could take a rest and sleep in temporary dwellings built exclusively of natural materials (wood, stone, straw). Boutique eco-tourism would be linked to surrounding eco farms.

Please explain how these three dimensions would be combined in your concept/idea.
Please highlight how this approach can be exemplary

Long life products

We live in a consumer society where many products become obsolete because they are no longer fashionable, not because they would no longer be usable, as such they end up as waste material. In addition, we use too much raw material and energy to produce new products. Based on environmental protection, we should reduce the quantity of products and improve their quality in the long run. This means that we need less products, but with higher quality. That's why memo cube is made of high quality and durable materials, with a design that provides a long product life for several generations.

Memo cube brings nature into the space

The memo cube is not only a functional element for storing memories, but also a decorative wooden cube that can brighten up the appearance of any space. At the same time, due to the material from which it is made, it brings warmth and the feel of nature into the space. Oil-protected wood acquires a patina over the years, which further increases the value of the product.

Living in harmony with nature

The modern urban lifestyle disconnects people from nature; this may be associated with adverse health effects. In this project we want to include the theory of biophilia and realize the deep-rooted touch with nature even for those who live in cities and don’t posses garden.

We want to show to youngsters the relation between caring for nature and the goods that nature gives us back, if we live in harmony with it.


The orchard would be a crossroads of different generations and a place dedicated to education about: growing plants, knowledge of different fruit trees and animals that live in the natural environment. We believe that the project would also contribute to a healthier food culture for children, as they would certainly be happier to eat own bio fruit.

Please highlight the innovative character of the concept/idea as compared to mainstream practices in the field of the concept/idea.

How would people who live in the cities and don’t have their own garden or money to buy land for their own fruit tree?

A fruit tree needs an average of 6m2 of space, which is not a big cost, but normally, it is not possible to buy just 6m2 of land. However, we can buy bigger land and find interested people who would purchase a fruit tree for their newborns or children on special occasions, such as the first day of school, graduation day, wedding event and similarly, to plant in our orchard.

A way of educating young people about to reduce the consumer mentality and raise environmental responsibility

A memo cube is designed to store the memories of several generations would be passed dawn from generation to generation. It is a useful product, which will be accompanied by a booklet on the importance of sustainable products with a long lifespan, environmental responsibilities and advices to reduce consumer thinking and ecology.

How to motivate young people for nature?

Young generation spend a lot of time indoors, often behind a computer or with a smart phone in hand, especially in pandemic. Such a way of life, move people away from the nature and has detrimental consequences for health. We believe that a child's own a fruit tree will arouse interest in nature and its beauties, by observing plants and animals. In this way, the user will take more responsibility and respect toward nature.  At the same time, the user will learn to recognize different types of fruit trees, their wood species and ways of storing harvested fruits.

All mentioned activities in the process of growing own fruit tree, actually define the value proposition of the project which is measurable, transparent and recognized as added value to the user.

Please detail the general plans that you have for the further development, promotion and/or implementation of your concept/idea.

The project will engage a transdisciplinary team of experts with different knowledge such as: biology, agronomy, product design, ecology, economics, graphic design, pedagogy, carpentry and entrepreneurship.

The plan development of the project is presented below, with the first five points being described in more details in the following form, as these are priority tasks that will be realized in 2022 and ½ 2023 year.

1. Making memo cubes

2. Making booklets

3. Purchase of land

4. Promotion of the idea

5. Realization of tree planting

6. Arrangement for cooperation with a qualified person who will take care for the trees

Professional care for the trees will be provided by a gardener who will prune, protect with organic products and fertilize the trees. He will transfer his knowledge to tree owners through workshops. The work of the gardener will be funded from annual membership fees and donors.

7. Organization of events and learning corners

Learning corners will be used to organize various workshops:

  • making of jams, jellies, juices, dried fruits, etc. based on traditional local recipes,
  • workshops about fruit tree care (fertilization, pruning, protection),
  • Woodworking workshop (Fruit trees that will no longer bear fruit due to age will be cut down and replaced with new ones, and from the wood will be create useful products.).

8. Set up a picnic area

We will also provide the orchard with a picnic corner: tables, chairs and a space for preparing outdoor meals. If there is no water source on the land, we will provide a water cistern, which will be used for watering the trees and at the same time will be used for picnic purpose.

9. Layout of three glamping units

Our long-term plan is to set up three temporary dwellings made of natural materials. This way, visitors to the orchard will also be able to spend more days in the nature.

10. Spreading the idea

Our long-term plan is to expand orchards in other regions of the country and later on going to EU.

Imagine that your idea/concept is awarded in the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2022. What kind of initiatives would you take throughout the following year (June 2022- June 2023)

With the award support, we would start spreading the project in Slovenia.

1. Making memo cubes

We will order the production of memo cubes in the carpenter's workshop. Users will be able to collect between designs from at least three different wood species.

2. Making booklets

Each box contains a booklet describing the characteristics of the fruit tree and the tree species. Recipes for preparing dishes from the fruits of a selected fruit tree will be included. In addition, it explains the importance of sustainable products, environmental responsibility and how to reduce the consumer mindset.

3. Purchase of land

The priority in land area selection will be idyllic unspoiled nature, abandoned farmland near city centers. According to the experience from the existing land where the orchard is created, an important factor is the presence of the proximity of the river or underground water source, which allows watering.

4. Promotion of the idea

We are aware that even such a good idea doesn’t come to life, if people don’t hear for it. Therefore, we will also pay special attention to the promotion. A website will be created that would connect members of the group for: the use of sustainable products and the promotion of their own fruit production, also for those who live in an urban environment and do not have their own gardens.We will also spread the idea through social media (i.e. facebook, instagram, influencers, forum) and motivate them with video animation.

Special attention will be given to promote in kindergartens. We estimate that the parents of the children will purchase memo cubs and a fruit tree.The tree would be planted together in an orchard. After the child leaves kindergarten, the child keeps his memo cub.In the following years, however, children could meet once a year for picnic in the orchard next to their tree and relive memories of the preschool years.

11. Realization of tree planting

We anticipate planting at least 50 new trees in the first year.

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