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EFdeN Sustainable City

Award category
Reconnecting with nature
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NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS RISING STARS: concepts or ideas submitted by young talents (aged 30 or less)
Project title
EFdeN Sustainable City
Full concept/idea title
EFdeN Sustainable City - The first sustainable city prototype in Romania

Can we choose to live in sustainable cities if we have not experienced one? In 2019 we started mapping out EFdeN Sustainable City, a living lab that would showcase examples of sustainable urban developments that we hope to see in our cities and that would provide a multidisciplinary space that would  guide people and make them aware of the environment they live in. Here we aim to feature 8 areas dedicated to the main urban challenges with solutions designed and built by students and community.

What is the geographical scope of your concept/idea?
Does your concept/idea address mainly urban or rural issues?
Mainly urban
Does your concept/idea refer to a physical transformation of the built environment or other types of transformations?
It refers to a physical transformation of the built environment ('hard investment')
Has your concept/idea benefited from EU programmes and/or funds?
Has your concept/idea won an EU prize?
How did you hear about the New European Bauhaus Prizes ?
Social media
On whose behalf are you submitting the application?
As a representative of an organisation
Please provide a summary of your concept/ idea

Cities play a pivotal role in achieving climate neutrality by 2050, the goal of the European Green Deal. They take up only 4% of the EU’s land area, but they are home to 75% of EU citizens. In addition, cities consume over 65% of the world’s energy and account for more than 70% of global CO2 emissions. 

These issues have led us to take the initiative to challenge the models of the cities of tomorrow and upgrade them. In order to make a real impact, sustainability has to become accessible for the general public, otherwise, it remains merely a rich man’s privilege and cannot influence the building sector to the necessary degree in the era of rapid urbanisation and large energy consumption. Our vision is to create a place where you can learn to adapt in order to live in an updated city with access to innovation and environmental education.

In the heart of Bucharest, Romania’s capital city, in a place easy to reach by foot, by car, or by public transportation, there is a 4000 sqm area where we want to design and implement our vision for the future of our city in terms of technology and communities.

Here we will showcase elements of a smart and sustainable city and the way they work together, by representing 8 of these main components through practical projects and interactive themed areas. The 8 main components are Education and Awareness, Smart & Green Homes, Urban Farming, Waste Management, Renewable Energy, Urban Transportation & Mobility, Health and Wellness, Sustainable Art.

So far we have implemented points of interest as follows:

  1. Smart & Green Homes
    1. The EFdeN 4C and EFdeN Signature houses
  2. Urban Farming
    1. An aeroponic system for microplants
  3. Waste Management
    1. Furniture out of recycled materials
  4. Renewable Energy
    1. Photovoltaic trees, Electric vehicle charging station, Geothermal energy system
  5. Health and Wellness
    1. Stage for outdoor events Basketball court, Fresh bar, Chess area
Please indicate the main themes of your concept/idea with 5 key words
Please give information about the key objectives of your concept/idea in terms of environmental sustainability (including circularity) and how these would be met.
Please highlight how the concept/idea can be exemplary in this context

In terms of environmental sustainability, as we aim to upgrade our smart city, our key objectives are to upgrade the existing green space in our campus and to be environmentally friendly.

  1. Upgrading the existing green space

Our concept is focused on integrating nature in our homes and surroundings. Providing green spaces for recreational and educational activities is one of our main focuses when designing the concept for EFdeN Sustainable City. We try to keep as many of the natural resources available on site  as possible, while also planting more trees, plants and developing permaculture areas. In order to meet this objective, we also aim to set a good example for public administrations in terms of increasing and improving green spaces.

In one of the displayed house prototypes we have chosen to integrate a greenhouse indoors to prove that you can have an impact on the lack of green space in the city and urban densification merely by your choice of housing and the process of building it. The idea of integrating green space in one’s home, in addition to improving psychological comfort, highlights the importance of creating a sustainable community.

  1. Being environmentally friendly

Wanting to build displays/prototypes that would pollute less, we focus on using reusable materials, such as wood and steel, for the structures. The homes, which are an example with scalable potential, were designed with materials inspired by nature. Both our houses are active homes and they produce more energy that they use. For the EFdeNSignature house, we followed the LBC standards, being awarded with the LEED certification with the score of 105 out of 110. This score includes our home in the highest level of certification, Platinum, ranking first in Europe in all categories.

Please give information about the key objectives of your concept/idea in terms of aesthetics and quality of experience beyond functionality and how these would be met.
Please highlight how the concept/idea can be exemplary in this context

Our main goal is to inspire those who visit EFdeN Sustainable City to further seek sustainable approaches for living, after familiarizing them with the concept of energy efficiency, while also offering a subtle ode to nature. Further on, we will detail some of our points of Interest and explain how a creative outlook is essential in our living lab. Our idea includes the design of a creative meeting space and integrates traditional aesthetic patterns to promote not only mental health, but also physical health.

  1. Inspiring though a living lab

As of now, energy efficiency is met with skepticism by the public due to its futuristic allure, making the mainstream audience stray away from concepts of living that alienate humans from their designs. With this in mind, EFdeN Sustainable City is envisioned as a fragment of future urban areas, easily integrable in the cities of today.

  1. Creative meeting space

Spacious benches around the photovoltaic trees that have panels seamlessly integrated in the upper part, plants that blend harmoniously with the cooling system are all available for people who wish to relax in our Solar Garden. The modular benches are designed so that two friends can socialize or work comfortably together. 

  1. Integrating traditional motifs

To furtherly attract fellow citizens to this kind of living, in the design of one of the featured houses, we incorporated motifs from traditional patterns as perforations in the facade, and the summer shading of the entrance gives an interesting play of lights and a cooler space. 

  1. Healthy mind & Healthy body

The comfort of the mind and body are key points of the campus that seeks to juxtapose spaces with a natural and biophilic design where nature surrounds you not only due to the existence of plants, but also by color palettes inspired by nature that give the sustainable design a more humane approach; and colorful interactive areas that elevate the spirit.

Please give information about the key objectives of your concept/idea in terms of inclusion (equal opportunities, public participation, citizen engagement, co-design, universal design, accessibility, affordability, etc.) and how these would be met.
Please highlight how the concept/idea can be exemplary in this context

Our objectives are to promote inclusion, creating a city for everyone, where students from different backgrounds feel welcomed. In our team, we are keen on respecting gender equality and diversity. Regarding the recruitment of our volunteers, we want to eliminate the possibility of unconscious biases. 

  1. A city for everyone

The campus is a place for recreational activities in an oasis of peace in the center of the capital. Spaces are specially designed to host both sports and intellectual activities, representing an interdisciplinary hub. We aim to grow a community with the same sustainable values.

In a co-creation contest, we offer students from outside the organization the possibility to come up with ideas for the campus, including their needs into our design. Their ideas can come to life and be implemented in our city. 

  1. Creating communities

It is a place where you can combine sport with meditation and learning - a healthy mind in a healthy body, a location where you can discuss your ideas with colleagues or you can sit in a quiet place to stay focused on your project, your activities, and stay motivated on tasks. Information and awareness campaigns about renewable energy are sources for people who want a better future for their city. Hosting outdoor conferences on environmental protection and climate change or promoting campaigns with public figures about the benefits of urban mobility help popularize the concept of sustainability.

  1. Gender Equality

At this time, our Management & Board Unit is composed of 3 women and 4 men and there are 8 female members and 10 male members occupying all sorts of positions. 

  1. Equality & Diversity in recruiting

We are offering everyone an equal chance to be part of our team. Furthermore, each interview is accompanied by a debriefing session with our HR team and managers to assure objectivity, fairness and transparency. 

Please explain how these three dimensions would be combined in your concept/idea.
Please highlight how this approach can be exemplary

The “Points of Interest” in our campus have managed to combine the 3 aforementioned dimensions - environmental sustainability, inclusion and aesthetics. We created aesthetically appealing prototypes, requested and displayed at various events, using materials for which the life cycle was calculated.

The project aspires to be a creative hub for the citizens of Bucharest. But in order to design a space for the community, we also aimed to include those benefiting from the project in the conceptual phase of our lab. Thus, our team held a co-creation competition where teams enrolled to design the city of tomorrow. Architecture students worked alongside engineers to harmoniously combine elements of aesthetics and functionality into the concept.

As for the impact of our project, we followed 2 main goals. Firstly, the educational component of the project is achieved by the highly informative value of the project. Visitors do not only come here for leisure activities but also to learn about energy efficiency and sustainability. However, the most valuable achievement is that those who come here learn to view sustainability as an integrated aspect of the urban space and grow more and more accustomed to ecological alternatives and further implement them. Secondly, the recreational component is a valuable asset of EFdeN Sustainable City due to the fact Bucharest vastly lacks green spaces and especially functional green spaces.

The prototype is both a museum and a working hub, providing a space for multiple activities. Moreover, the various areas account for a pressing issue of the city: lack of active areas. Given that most parts of the city have specific activities related to them, they are only active whilst people use that facility. More flexible, diverse spaces provide efficient land usage that is an open resource for students, the public, or private events in the roam of sustainability.

Please highlight the innovative character of the concept/idea as compared to mainstream practices in the field of the concept/idea.

We have a sustainable and smart city-campus, as a pilot project for transforming cities in Romania, with 8 feature areas dedicated to the main urban challenges. We believe that EFdeN Sustainable City with the help of companies with the same CSR strategies and values as us - which benefit from visibility from the organization - can continue promoting our ideas to young people. They then receive access to a sustainable education from us that continues with the general public. It is a beneficial circle in which sustainability lasts for generations.

We think that accelerated research on energy innovation will help future generations for a lower-carbon future. ESC is not only a prototype city but also an environment in which we try to be one step ahead of technological trends. We also aim to keep the society up to date with recent developments in the field of sustainability.

Due to a combination of technological progress, developmental priorities and rising environmental concerns, EFdeN Sustainable City intends to accelerate the decarbonisation of the energy sector. The ongoing transformation is evolving in the same vein, with innovation as one of its pillars.

There are already two components of this city in the EFdeN campus, which are thought of as a cell (cell wall-facade, cell membrane-structure, nucleus-technologies used). These are the houses (EFdeN 4C & Signature) prototypes that we built within the Solar Decathlon competition and have been recognized internationally as innovative and sustainable solutions for the inhabitants. The Points of interest in this city are designed to be friendly to every person regardless of age, beliefs or field of activity.

Renewable energy is everywhere on this campus. Besides the possibility to visit the houses, people can come to power their electric car at a station, they can relax while charging their phone standing in a Solar Garden or enjoy a basketball game with friends standing in the shade of the photovoltaic tree

Please detail the general plans that you have for the further development, promotion and/or implementation of your concept/idea.
  1. Learning and development

We will invite people to experience and learn how to have a smart and healthy lifestyle regarding innovation and technology of water supplies, waste management, renewable energy and to get familiar with the concept of ecological footprints. We would also collaborate in events, with information and awareness campaigns for the general public on various topics. As an outcome, people might get more thoughtful and aware of the influence that they have.

  1. Workshop & events

EFdeN Sustainable City calls upon new people who are interested in the problem of environmental degradation. In addition to helping in this matter, we will create an interdisciplinary space for students from various Universities and we seek to promote alternative education in order to build social sustainability. We will focus on new practical workshops.

The aforementioned 8 main components we develop in EFdeN are guides in our future endeavors. In order to adapt and to keep the innovative path of this concept of a city, we are in a continuous development for these points of interest, which we want to build until next year:

  1. Education and Awareness
    1. Climate change photo exhibition, The impact of clothing products on the environment, Team/Individual work areas, Amphitheater, Reading areas, Areas dedicated to astronomy.
  2. Urban Farming
    1. Green wall, Led lighting for plant growth, Permaculture
  3. Waste Management
    1. Selective collection
  4. Renewable Energy
    1. E-dance floor, Energy-producing bicycle, Urban wind, Geothermal energy, Gravitational energy
  5. Urban Transportation & Mobility
    1. Electrical scooter/bicycle station, Bicycle/scooter container parking
  6. Health and Wellness
    1. Badminton court, Maze board, Yoga and aerobic, Yurt and fountain
  7. Sustainable Art
    1. Water-sound collection installation
Imagine that your idea/concept is awarded in the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2022. What kind of initiatives would you take throughout the following year (June 2022- June 2023)

Until now, we feel we have influenced authorities, architects and public figures and that it is our duty to never be satisfied with the popularity we have reached in terms of sustainability. We still need to ask more from us. Thus, we will not only be focusing on participating in different events to have a positive impact, but also on our development.

Once we find out that we have been awarded in the rising star category, we will host an event in EFdeN Sustainable City with guests from the European Commission to celebrate this prestigious award. The recognition and visibility gained would help us attract new partners and secure the existing ones for the long term, thus providing us with the necessary resources to turn our concept into reality.

Furthermore, we will start designing new ways to communicate with the public. We want to create new social awareness campaigns, as it is a direct component in helping us achieve our objectives.

In general, our activity for the next year will revolve around the points of interest listed in the previous topic. In the meantime, these goals will provide the right context for organizing events, for campaigns to promote sustainable initiatives, and for participating in funding applications. We are committed to developing the 8 main ideas, for example, by organizing creative workshops for renewable materials. By creating some additional sustainable products, we encourage reducing generated waste, using recycled materials, and selective recycling. We aim to organize workshops, team-buildings and conferences, all for education for a large public and knowledge and for better living together.

We want to be able to state that the people who talked to us and visited our campus saw that from one year to the next, better and better solutions for sustainability appeared.

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