The "Europe 4 All" App will corss borders when it comes to finding solutions for specific social or enviromental causes. It should serve as a network where Europeans can link and connect with other fellow europeans who are interested in the same cause, work in unity, share ideas and merge the work they do, to transcend beyond their countries and give voice to similar causes around Europe.
The main goal is for Europeans to understand, that although there might be differences within the member states of the European Union, they all share the same territory, the same continent, and the same soil. In this sense, it must be taken into consideration that pushing the idea of an european identity by giving specific attention and emphasis to the EU delimited territory, will encourage the need to connect with fellow member states to preserve what puts them together.
For that reason, the "All 4 Europe App", will celebrate the differences and similarities between the member states, while creating unity and regaining a sense of belonging by promoting joint work to save what should be a bond to Europeans: caring for a single European land.
To achieve that, the app will show different projects and initiatives, such as environmental projectas like program for small farmers on how to make and use organic fertilizers and pesticides, planting trees or social projects like helping kids with their homework or coaching youth sports teams in poor neighborhoods; for users to find a cause, link with people who are doing something for that cause in different countries or and therefore conceive and understand that we all are fighting for the same -or similar convictions and show that europeans could do something for the good and preservation of the territory and its people.
Please highlight how the concept/idea can be exemplary in this context
The app will make sure that the projects and innitiatives being presented are socially- and enviromental aware. Furthermore we would love to have an easy and fast navegation software for users to enter the app and know exactly how to get to where they’re going, avoiding a slow processor of information or software in our app will spare more server power to process all of the transmitted data, which wil hekp our app to have an eco-friendly design.
Please highlight how the concept/idea can be exemplary in this context
The app will be attractive in its design, minimalist and easy to use. It will be similar to something everyone already knows, like tiktok or Instagram, which is where everyone is involved right now. A familiar approach is necessary for people to get interested in the app. therefore it should be unchallenging, in a way where people who are not used to technology or have a hard time using it for whatever reason, can have easy acces to it. To achieve that, the app will have an easy and free registration process, after the registration is donde the users will answer some questions about the causes they are interested in, leading them to a personalized homepage where they can choose whice initiatives, causes and projects they want to join, they also can match with other users who have the same interests, connect and take action.
Please highlight how the concept/idea can be exemplary in this context
The app will not have gender, social position, age, sexual preference, religion, or etnicity limits, you must be however european or living in any of the European Union countries, refugges and migrants will be welcomed too, everyone can contribute to the care of Europe.
Nevertheless, the app will have limits when it comes to hate spreading initiatives, causes or projects. We would have filters to aprove which causes can be found in the app, following a human right protocol and we will always be advocating to promote good community rules.
There will be freedom of speech, as long as no one disrespect opinions.
Please highlight how this approach can be exemplary
The three dimensions will be combined by creating a corporate image, an identity, rules of use and a protocol every user has to respect in order to keep the community a haelthy and safe space. The app should be simple, minimalist and inclusive. Religions, etnicites, race, sexual preference etc. are put aside, ajd every project, initiative or solution shown in this app will be for a better future, not only socially speaking but also for the enviroment and the preservation of the European territory.
This app is innovative because it is going to show what people are doing now and people are going to be able to experience it live and taken into their real lives. We will have the power to connect people around Europe, they might not see people face to face, but it will be a network where everyone can feel closer and identified with projects that fight for causes that are similar in one´s country. The initiatives, projects and solutions that the app will show, are going to connect people and serve as an example to be applied in other countires.
The app will go straight to the communities, to the people who don't have as many opportunities to connect and find out what others are doing to saveguard the future, their people and the earth.
For the future development of this app, the success and implementation of the initiatives and/or projects within the app, should be the firsts steps towards being self-financing by the users themselves and their projects.
Throughout the following year, I would be working on ways to develop the app, search for European Organizations, social groups, citizens, etc who are interested in sharing and presenting their projects and for those to be in the app. I would also be requesting for funds or people who are interested in promotig the app, but most importantly, I would be spreading the word and encouraging people to possibly join the app.
@González Ibarrondo, 2022
Content licensed to the European Union.