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COPI VIVA: Students fight for inclusion

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NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS AWARDS: existing completed examples
Project title
COPI VIVA: Students fight for inclusion
Full project title
COPI VIVA: Students supporting the inclusion of young people with disabilities.

COPI VIVA was born as a unique online copyshop. Planned, brought to life, and managed by people with disabilities and high support needs, COPI VIVA has sustainability and fight for inclusion and visibility of functional diversity as its cornerstones. The rehabilitation of a physical store for collection and public attention means implementing our objectives and ideas aesthetically and functionally to offer a beautiful, functional, and adapted space both to our potential clients and coworkers.

What was the geographical scope of your project?
City of Murcia
Región de Murcia
Does your project address mainly urban or rural issues?
Mainly urban
Does your project refer to a physical transformation of the built environment or other types of transformations?
It refers to other types of transformations ('soft investment')
Has your project benefited from EU programmes or funds?
Has your project won an EU prize?
Your project is fully completed?
When was your project implemented?
How did you hear about the New European Bauhaus Prizes ?
On whose behalf are you submitting the application?
As a representative of an organisation
Please provide a summary of your project

FEYCSA is a Special Employment Centre run by four non-profit associations which share one objective: improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities and a whole system of values and ethical code of how to act in the field of the socio-occupational integration of the group of persons with disabilities.To this end, they consider training as one of the most valuable tools for achieving integration and improving the employability of all persons with disabilities.

Its training work guides it to the professional areas of the business lines that it develops as a special employment center: Laborviva, Docuviva, and Ecoviva. For this purpose, it is approved by the SEF (Regional Labor Administration) in several professional certificates. It participates primarily in programs aimed to train persons with disabilities, preferably unemployed, with work skills to enter the labour market.

Within the framework of Feycsa's courses, the intra-entrepreneurship for people with functional diversity was discussed. Two of the students were convinced that if they were helped, they would be able to set up an online copying service: they would only need an adapted facility and a photocopier/scanner to offer a small part of the on-site service. With the support of the technicians of Feycsa, these two severely disabled people developed their idea.

A small facility was located, very close to the university community in the city of Murcia (Campus of La Merced) an old stationery shop closed by its owner.On the other hand, using all the machinery and infrastructure dedicated to printing that Feycsa uses in its Docu Viva service, they could offer an online printing and copying service through a platform created for it to the student's Campus.

With these basics, in Sept. 2019 the COPI VIVA website was designed, the premises adapted and renewed, and the plan and business development with its first promoters Desi (Asperger disability) and David (Intellectual disability) was launched.

Please indicate the main themes of your project with 5 key words
Please give information about the key objectives of your project in terms of sustainability (including circularity) and how these have been met.
Please highlight how the project can be exemplary in this context

Through the COPI VIVA initiative, students are offered the possibility to print at the least possible cost and with the most excellent guarantee of sustainability due to copying and binding FEYCSA services only uses paper with environmental certification and the recycling of all ink cartridges.


The students enjoy the chance of collaborating with SDG 4,8,10,11,12 and 13, in a simple way. Besides, with service close to their university and education ecosystem:  their online orders and the support they gave to the project in its beginnings through social media contributed to the rapid expansion and opening of several COPI VIVA SOLIDARITY COLLECTION POINTS.


In addition, there is the opportunity for the whole society to collaborate by opening COPI VIVA SOLIDARITY COLLECTION POINTS spread by Universities, Municipalities, Libraries... So that the copies are ordered online or in the store. Still, they can be collected in collaborating points, reducing the cost and environmental impact of unnecessary travel while giving high visibility to social inclusion.

Please give information about the key objectives of your project in terms of aesthetics and quality of experience beyond functionality and how these have been met.
Please highlight how the project can be exemplary in this context

The opening of COPI VIVA STORE involved adapting the facilities and the facade of the old stationery to the aesthetics of the area (old town of the city of Murcia) and adapting the interior of the premises to the needs of the new reprography.


The renovation and adaptation of the space done at the store allow the proper performance at their jobs for the people with functional diversity working there. Furthermore, it also offers a showroom space for all products designed by people with disabilities from Feycsa, which are specially created for the COPI VIVA brand, produced at Feycsa.

This showroom format and the impact of the COPI VIVA concept in the area have attracted local artists and brands who want to collaborate with the project by showcasing their artwork in the shop and designing unique material to be printed COPI VIVA brand.

Please give information about the key objectives of your project in terms of inclusion (equal opportunities, public participation, citizen engagement, co-design, universal design, accessibility, affordability, etc.) and how these have been met.
Please highlight how the project can be exemplary in this context

Our final goal with this project was to create jobs for people with functional diversity and high support needs by creating an inclusive space allowing them to learn how to deal with the public both face-to-face, online, and by phone. COPI VIVA disabled employees with social skills problems (Autism and Asperger syndrome) train their social and coping abilities while offering meaningful service to their working community.


COPI VIVA agreed with Plena Inclusión (Association representing intellectual disability families in Spain) to sell books IN EASY READ FORMAT in PDF print so that people with intellectual disabilities can access culture and literature through an affordable format adapted to their needs.


At the beginning of the project, one of our main aims was to produce and sell stationery product lines designed by people with disabilities and by local artists who stand in solidarity with the brand. The aim is to create an ecosystem of art and social inclusion support. The values we transmit with the stationery are overcoming fears and obstacles, resilience, the fight against adversity... You can review the artists and brands collaborating with COPI VIVA at the following link:

Please explain how these three dimensions have been combined in your project.
Please highlight how this approach can be exemplary

Our project had in mind sustainability and inclusion since the very beginning of the initial idea; those have been the core values of the COPI VIVA brand. Since the renovation and adapting process of the on-site store needed to adjust to the aesthetics of a specific area of the city, we believe the three core dimensions of the NEW BAUHAUS EUROPE PRIZES have been taken into consideration:


Since its very beginning, the online copy shop was designed upon sustainability criteria:  prints its copies in certified recycled paper and exhaustively recycles the ink cartridges used in the process while opening near to the customer solidarity collection points. The final aim of the project is to fight for the social inclusion and visibility of people with disabilities. So that, people with a high need for support can also join the labor market if they get the support and tailored help for their needs, becoming high motivated and efficient entrepreneurs and workers.

In adapting both the facilities and the workspace at the COPI VIVA store, we entered into a rebuild/redesign and decoration process, which resulted in a beautiful, functional, and adapted to the needs of their users' space that serves both as shop and local showroom for artists. All this in a small but well used 19 m2.


Please give information on the results/impacts achieved by your project in relation to the category you apply for

At the time of project completion marked by the evaluation and measurement of business plan results, one year and three months after the store's opening, COPI VIVA was an online and physical store that stably employs until today. 3 people with disabilities (Asperger syndrome, severe cerebral palsy, and physical disability with cognitive impairment by age) manage the physical store and the online store. Even they manage a website blog where they give advice and interact with university students, demonstrating that the SUM OF CAPABILITIES turns the impossible into reality.


The opening of the COPI VIVA physical store and the development of the online store business aroused media attention. The online web was a finalist for the best web awards in our area:


From our business, the needs of our staff have always been taken into account. Adaptations have been made to changes such as the Coronavirus, developing a Specific Biological Risk Assessment document for Coronavirus Exposure. The main objective of all these measures taken is to follow their work efficiently.

Please explain how citizens and civil society were involved in the in the design and/or implementation of the project.
Please also explain the benefits that derived from their involvement.

The project directly involves people with disabilities, a vulnerable sector whose work should be valued and recognized as the rest. In addition, anyone who is a customer of this business benefits from this project. Mainly young people and others who often use copy shops find a great advantage when it comes to printing online. It makes an innovative job adapted to changes in society.

Please explain what kind of global challenges the project addressed by providing local solutions

The project follows a series of fundamental global challenges in our society today, which we must take care of for their subsequent enjoyment. That is why we will be guided by the sustainable development goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015.

Our project meets many of these 17 objectives, although we will mainly focus on:


4. Quality education. It should be mentioned that training for any activity or work is essential in both the theoretical and practical fields. Therefore, it offers the possibility of doing internships in the natural working environment or teaching other exciting aspects for the job such as languages, mainly English, for a collective with special need of support around this matter.


8. Decent work and economic growth. To meet our goals, every effort and work of employees must be valued. Working conditions are essential for the success of our project, ensuring a good working environment must be a primary task. With all this, we are contributing to economic growth both locally and globally.


10. Reducing inequalities. Of course, one of the strengths is the contribution to reducing inequalities. Offering opportunities to more vulnerable groups is becoming increasingly successful.

Another sustainable development goal has been to follow a model of sustainable cities and communities, remembering that resources are limited and therefore must be consumed in a controlled manner. Following this line, we are not guided by consumerism but by producing responsibly and, finally, taking care of our natural environment and our resources.


Please highlight the innovative character of the project as compared to mainstream practices in the field of the project.

The people with functional diversity who initiated the idea of COPI VIVA have been supported in the whole learning process which entails the ideation and implementation of the project: Desi and David have been involved in all the steps of the project, from the initial idea, search for opportunity and business development, to the design of the website and the completion of the bureaucratic procedures to open the physical store.


They have also been the promoters of ideas that have been included in the initial project during its development: the adaptation of books published in an easy-to-read format to the PDF format, the participation of the local community of artists in the project, the development of solidarity collection points and the dissemination of all the activity in RRSS, the design of unique material for the stationery store…


On the other hand, we highlight the innovative point of involving the University Campus students community in the start-up and promotion business plan launching. Since this group has helped the visibility and dissemination of the project, creating a very high initial demand that allowed COPI VIVA to open various collection points for reprographic material quickly, thus multiplying the impact of the project and the visibility of the collective.

Please explain to the potential of transferring the projects’ results or learnings to other interested parties and contexts.
Please provide clear documentation, communication of methodology and principles in this context.

Inclusive work consists of the necessary and personalized services and actions so that the person with disabilities or difficulties can access, maintain and promote themselves in a company within the labour market, with the support of professionals and other supportive measures.

The work of collectives and associations such as ours are making visible an increasingly evident reality. Our society is willing to pay more for products and/or services that actively defend and support the values that this society upholds. That is why today, more than ever, principles, such as proximity consumption, ecology, or health, take precedence over price in many cases.

It is a small project but very scalable and transferable to any other special employment center/association supporting people with functional diversity working employability and entrepreneurship. The interaction and support of student communities around higher education institutions or universities offer a business opportunity and the promotion of social and employment inclusion of persons with disabilities.

In order to disseminate the impact and transfer potential of this practice, FEYCSA has been thoroughly publishing about the project on their website, the local and regional media, and their blog, as well as sharing it in its network of partners and enterprises.

Is an evaluation report or any relevant documentation available?
If you would like to upload additional documentation, please upload it or write it below
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By ticking this box, you declare that all the information provided in this form is factually correct, that you assume sole liability in the event of a claim relating to the activities carried out in the framework of the contest, that the proposed project has not been proposed for the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2022 in any other category or strand and that it has not been subject to any type of investigation, which could lead to a financial correction because of irregularities or fraud.
By submitting your application, you guarantee that you are the author or have the rights to proceed with the application and to authorise the use of the project, concept, idea, and that you have obtained any necessary consents, licenses or assignments from third parties and included copyright notices when necessary.
By submitting your application, you understand that all the applications that meet the eligibility requirements will be shared for the purposes of the selection processes, and notably published on the secured platform and for the purposes of the promotion of these on the New European Bauhaus website and/or other European Commission communication channels. In this sense, the applications would be widely available. Applicants should ensure that they present their ideas, concepts, projects, in such a way that they could be shared without giving rise to intellectual property related concerns. If your submission is selected as one of the finalists, it will additionally be shared for the purpose of the public vote that will take place. The European Union is granted a licence to use and share your application with the general public and the official external experts for the purposes of the selection process, including the voting. The European Union has the right to use the images and visual materials and the description provided in the application for communication purposes related to the contest and beyond. Rights granted comprise the right to store, reproduce, display, publish and communicate or distribute copies in electronic or digital format, including, but not only, through the internet. Unless you have disclosed your name, the European Commission has no obligation to share your name when using or disseminating your contribution to the public. The European Union cannot be held responsible in case any submitted idea, project, concept is found to infringe third parties rights. The European Union shall be neither responsible for the use that third parties may do of the applications or related content.


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